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Program for Integrated Agricultural Development

Profile of Organization

Acronym: PIAD
Name: Program for Integrated Agricultural Development
Date of foundation: May 6 1994
Type of Institution: Non-Governmental Organization (NGO)
Legal Entity Number: 213912/94
Area of Service: Municipality of Pocono in the third section of the province of Carrasco in the Department of Cochabamba, Bolivia

Beginning Year: 1981
Year Restructured as NGO: 1993
Number of Employees: 4
Working Capital: $205.000
Amount Loaned: $190.000
Number of Clients: 305
Number of Communities: 15

Agricultural Profile: 40%

Number of Clients: 205
Average Loan: $1.000
Maximum Loan: $3.000
Interest Rate: 20% and 21%

Urban Profile: 60%

Number of Clients: 100
Average Loan: $2.000
Maximum Loan: $15.000
Interest Rate: 20% and 21%

A more detailed financial record can be found at:
*Figures expressed in American dollars